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Convert age group labels to one of three formats:

  • Single-year age groups, eg "0", "1", ..., "99", "100+".

  • Life table age groups, eg "0", "1-4", "5-9", ..., "95-99", "100+"`.

  • Five-year age groups, eg "0-4", "5-9", ..., "95-99", "100+".

By default reformat_age() returns a factor that includes all intermediate age groups. See below for examples.


reformat_age(x, factor = TRUE)



A vector.


Whether the return value should be a factor.


If factor is TRUE, then reformat_age() returns a factor; otherwise it returns a character vector.


reformat_age() applies the following algorithm:

  1. Tidy and translate text, eg convert "20 to 24 years" to "20-24", convert "infant" to "0", or convert "100 or more" to "100+".

  2. Check whether the resulting labels could have been produced by age_labels(). If not, throw an error.

  3. If factor is TRUE (the default), then return a factor. The levels of this factor include all intermediate age groups. Otherwise return a character vector.

When x consists entirely of numbers, reformat_age() also checks for two special cases:

  • If every element of x is a multiple of 5, and if max(x) >= 50, then x is assumed to describe 5-year age groups

  • If every element of x is 0, 1, or a multiple of 5, with max(x) >= 50, then x is assumed to describe life table age groups.


reformat_age(c("80 to 84", "90 or more", "85 to 89"))
#> [1] 80-84 90+   85-89
#> Levels: 80-84 85-89 90+

## factor contains intermediate level missing from 'x'
reformat_age(c("80 to 84", "90 or more"))
#> [1] 80-84 90+  
#> Levels: 80-84 85-89 90+

## non-factor
reformat_age(c("80 to 84", "90 or more"),
          factor = FALSE)
#> [1] "80-84" "90+"  

## single
reformat_age(c("80", "90plus"))
#> [1] 80  90+
#> Levels: 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90+

## life table
            "1-4 years"))
#> [1] 0     30-34 10-14 1-4  
#> Levels: 0 1-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34