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1 Introduction

Covariates can be used to extend standard bage models in two ways:

  1. incorporating information beyond what is contained in classifying variables, such as age, sex, or region; and
  2. dealing with subsets of the data with unusual behavior.

This vignette gives a brief description of covariates in bage and then illustrates their use with a case study of births in South Korea.

2 Mathematical details

A model in bage typically has a structure that is something like: \[\begin{align} y_{ast} & \sim \text{Poisson}(\gamma_{ast} w_{ast}) \\ \log \gamma_{ast} & \sim \text{Gamma}(\xi^{-1}, (\mu_{ast} \xi)^{-1}) \\ \log \mu_{ast} & = \beta^{(0)} + \beta_{as}^{\text{age:sex}} + \beta_t^{\text{time}} \tag{2.1} \end{align}\] where

  • \(y_{ast}\) is the outcome for people in age group \(a\) and sex \(s\) during period \(t\);
  • \(w_{ast}\) is exposure;
  • \(\gamma_{ast}\) is a rate;
  • \(\xi\) governs overall dispersion;
  • \(\beta^{(0)}\) is an intercept;
  • \(\pmb{\beta}^{\text{age:sex}}\) and \(\pmb{\beta}^{\text{time}}\) are terms formed the classifying variables age, sex, and time;
  • \(\beta_{as}^{\text{age:sex}}\) and \(\pmb{\beta}_t^{\text{time}}\) are elements of these terms; and
  • the intercept and the terms formed from the classifying variables all have prior distributions.

In a model with covariates, (2.1) changes to \[\begin{equation} \log \mu_{ast} = \beta^{(0)} + \beta_{as}^{\text{age:sex}} + \beta_t^{\text{time}} + (\pmb{Z} \pmb{\zeta})_{ast} \end{equation}\]


  • \(\pmb{Z}\) is a \(N \times P\) covariate matrix;
  • \(\pmb{\zeta}\) is a \(P\)-element vector of coefficients; and
  • \((\pmb{Z} \pmb{\zeta})_{ast}\) is an element from the vector obtained by multiplying \(\pmb{Z}\) and \(\pmb{\zeta}\).

Change (2.2) to \[\begin{equation} \mu_i = \sum_{m=0}^M \beta_{j_i^m}^{(m)} + (\pmb{Z} \pmb{\eta})_i \tag{2.2} \end{equation}\]

where - \(\pmb{Z}\) is an \(I \times P\) matrix of covariates; and - \(\pmb{\eta}\) is a vector of coefficients.

The covariate matrix \(\pmb{Z}\) is derived from the raw covariate data by scaling any numeric variables to have mean 0 and standard deviation 1, and by converting any categorical variables to sets of indicator variables. The conversion to indicator variables follows the rules that R uses for “treatment” contrasts. If the categorical has \(C\) categories, then \(C-1\) indicator variabls are constructed, with the first category being omitted.

Each element of \(\pmb{\eta}\) has prior \[\begin{equation} \eta_p \sim \text{N}(0, 1) \end{equation}\]

3 Example: Births in South Korea

To illustrate the use of covariates, we will analyse data on births in South Korea.

3.1 Preliminaries

Besides bage itself, we use dplyr and vctrs for data manipulation, and ggplot2 for plotting results.

Our data is the data frame kor_births, which is part of bage. The data frame gives numbers of births disaggregated by age of mother, region, and year. It also contains a numeric variable called gdp_pc_2023 that gives GDP per capita (in thousands of US dollars) in 2023, and a categorical variable (with levels "Low", "Medium", and "High") describing population density in 2020.

#> # A tibble: 1,872 × 7
#>    age   region  time births  popn gdp_pc_2023 dens_2020
#>    <chr> <fct>  <int>  <int> <int>       <dbl> <chr>    
#>  1 10-14 Busan   2011      1 89822        25.7 High     
#>  2 10-14 Busan   2012      0 83884        25.7 High     
#>  3 10-14 Busan   2013      0 79061        25.7 High     
#>  4 10-14 Busan   2014      1 74741        25.7 High     
#>  5 10-14 Busan   2015      0 68783        25.7 High     
#>  6 10-14 Busan   2016      1 64905        25.7 High     
#>  7 10-14 Busan   2017      1 64251        25.7 High     
#>  8 10-14 Busan   2018      0 63249        25.7 High     
#>  9 10-14 Busan   2019      0 62154        25.7 High     
#> 10 10-14 Busan   2020      0 63498        25.7 High     
#> # ℹ 1,862 more rows

3.2 Covariates that bring in extra information

The variables gdp_pc_2023 and dens_2020 are both examples of covariates that contribute extra information to the model, beyond what is contained in the outcome, exposure, and classifying variables.

We use function set_covariates() to instruct mod_pois() to treat these variables as covariates.

mod_gdp_dens <- mod_pois(births ~ (age + region + time)^2,
                         data = kor_births,
                         exposure = popn) |>
  set_covariates(~ gdp_pc_2023 + dens_2020) |>
#>     ------ Fitted Poisson model ------
#>    births ~ (age + region + time)^2
#>   exposure = popn
#>         term  prior along n_par n_par_free std_dev
#>  (Intercept) NFix()     -     1          1       -
#>          age   RW()   age     9          9    2.64
#>       region    N()     -    16         16    0.03
#>         time   RW()  time    13         13    0.20
#>   age:region   RW()   age   144        144    0.20
#>     age:time   RW()  time   117        117    1.20
#>  region:time   RW()  time   208        208    0.19
#>  covariates: ~gdp_pc_2023 + dens_2020
#>  disp: mean = 1
#>  n_draw var_time var_age optimizer
#>    1000     time     age    nlminb
#>  time_total time_optim time_report iter converged                    message
#>        3.14       1.42        0.96   26      TRUE   relative convergence (4)

To obtain estimates of the coefficients (ie estimates of the \(\zeta_p\)) we call function components() and filter out rows for the "covariates" term.

mod_gdp_dens |>
  components() |>
  filter(term == "covariates")
#> # A tibble: 3 × 4
#>   term       component level                         .fitted
#>   <chr>      <chr>     <chr>                    <rdbl<1000>>
#> 1 covariates coef      gdp_pc_2023     -0.0029 (-0.67, 0.67)
#> 2 covariates coef      dens_2020Low       -0.53 (-1.9, 0.85)
#> 3 covariates coef      dens_2020Medium    -0.77 (-2.1, 0.55)

3.3 Covariates that allow for unusual subsets

In East Asia, years with the Dragon zodiac sign sometimes have larger-than-usual numbers of births. To allow for this possibility, we create a dragon-year covariate, and incorporate it into a new model.

births <- kor_births |>
  mutate(is_dragon_year = time == 2012)
mod_dragon <- mod_pois(births ~ (age + region + time)^2,
                      data = births,
                      exposure = popn) |>
  set_covariates(~ is_dragon_year) |>

mod_dragon |>
  components() |>
  filter(term == "covariates")
#> # A tibble: 1 × 4
#>   term       component level                           .fitted
#>   <chr>      <chr>     <chr>                      <rdbl<1000>>
#> 1 covariates coef      is_dragon_yearTRUE 0.063 (-0.043, 0.17)

There is some evidence for extra births, though there is substantial uncertainty about the size of the effect.

Next we expand the model to allow the dragon-year effect to differ across age groups. We create a variable that takes the values "baseline" in all years, except in dragon years, when it takes the name of the age group. We turn this variable into a factor with "baseline" as its first level.

births <- births |>
  mutate(is_dragon_year_age = if_else(time == 2012, age, "baseline"),
         is_dragon_year_age = factor(is_dragon_year_age, 
                                     levels = c("baseline", unique(age))))
births |>
  filter(time %in% 2011:2013)
#> # A tibble: 432 × 9
#>    age   region           time births  popn gdp_pc_2023 dens_2020 is_dragon_year
#>    <chr> <fct>           <int>  <int> <int>       <dbl> <chr>     <lgl>         
#>  1 10-14 Busan            2011      1 89822        25.7 High      FALSE         
#>  2 10-14 Busan            2012      0 83884        25.7 High      TRUE          
#>  3 10-14 Busan            2013      0 79061        25.7 High      FALSE         
#>  4 10-14 Chungcheongbuk…  2011      3 47811        40.3 Low       FALSE         
#>  5 10-14 Chungcheongbuk…  2012      1 44864        40.3 Low       TRUE          
#>  6 10-14 Chungcheongbuk…  2013      0 42259        40.3 Low       FALSE         
#>  7 10-14 Chungcheongnam…  2011      0 62308        50.4 Low       FALSE         
#>  8 10-14 Chungcheongnam…  2012      0 56746        50.4 Low       TRUE          
#>  9 10-14 Chungcheongnam…  2013      0 54415        50.4 Low       FALSE         
#> 10 10-14 Daegu            2011      3 75776        22.3 Medium    FALSE         
#> # ℹ 422 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: is_dragon_year_age <fct>

We create a new model with the age-sepcific dragon-year indicator.

mod_dragon_age <- mod_pois(births ~ (age + region + time)^2,
                         data = births,
                         exposure = popn) |>
  set_covariates(~ is_dragon_year_age) |>
#>     ------ Fitted Poisson model ------
#>    births ~ (age + region + time)^2
#>   exposure = popn
#>         term  prior along n_par n_par_free std_dev
#>  (Intercept) NFix()     -     1          1       -
#>          age   RW()   age     9          9    2.64
#>       region    N()     -    16         16    0.02
#>         time   RW()  time    13         13    0.18
#>   age:region   RW()   age   144        144    0.17
#>     age:time   RW()  time   117        117    1.22
#>  region:time   RW()  time   208        208    0.14
#>  covariates: ~is_dragon_year_age
#>  disp: mean = 1
#>  n_draw var_time var_age optimizer
#>    1000     time     age    nlminb
#>  time_total time_optim time_report iter converged                    message
#>        2.06       1.14        0.81   24      TRUE   relative convergence (4)

Rather than a single dragon-year coefficient, we have a coefficient for each age group. We extract them and tidy up the labels.

mod_dragon_age |>
  components() |>
  filter(term == "covariates") |>
  mutate(age = sub("is_dragon_year_age", "", level)) |>
  select(age, .fitted)
#> # A tibble: 9 × 2
#>   age                .fitted
#>   <chr>         <rdbl<1000>>
#> 1 10-14   0.31 (-0.14, 0.79)
#> 2 15-19 0.0094 (-0.19, 0.18)
#> 3 20-24  0.049 (-0.15, 0.23)
#> 4 25-29   0.075 (-0.1, 0.27)
#> 5 30-34 0.075 (-0.094, 0.26)
#> 6 35-39  0.034 (-0.15, 0.21)
#> 7 40-44  0.058 (-0.12, 0.24)
#> 8 45-49   0.11 (-0.11, 0.33)
#> 9 50-54    0.2 (-0.19, 0.55)

3.4 Forecasting

If all the covariates in a model are fixed, then the model can be forecasted as normal.

mod_gdp_dens |>
  forecast(labels = 2024:2025)
#> # A tibble: 288 × 10
#>    age   region             time births  popn gdp_pc_2023 dens_2020 .observed
#>    <chr> <fct>             <int>  <dbl> <int>       <dbl> <chr>         <dbl>
#>  1 10-14 Busan              2024     NA    NA        25.7 High             NA
#>  2 10-14 Busan              2025     NA    NA        25.7 High             NA
#>  3 10-14 Chungcheongbuk-do  2024     NA    NA        40.3 Low              NA
#>  4 10-14 Chungcheongbuk-do  2025     NA    NA        40.3 Low              NA
#>  5 10-14 Chungcheongnam-do  2024     NA    NA        50.4 Low              NA
#>  6 10-14 Chungcheongnam-do  2025     NA    NA        50.4 Low              NA
#>  7 10-14 Daegu              2024     NA    NA        22.3 Medium           NA
#>  8 10-14 Daegu              2025     NA    NA        22.3 Medium           NA
#>  9 10-14 Daejeon            2024     NA    NA        27.6 Medium           NA
#> 10 10-14 Daejeon            2025     NA    NA        27.6 Medium           NA
#> # ℹ 278 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: .fitted <rdbl<1000>>, .expected <rdbl<1000>>

If, however, a covariate varies over time, forecasting only works if values for future periods are provided. The following code will result in an error:

mod_dragon |>
  forecast(labels = 2024:2025)

Instead we need to create a newdata data frame…

newdata <- expand.grid(age = unique(kor_births$age),
                       region = unique(kor_births$region),
                       time = 2024:2025) |>
  mutate(is_dragon_year = FALSE)
#>     age region time is_dragon_year
#> 1 10-14  Busan 2024          FALSE
#> 2 15-19  Busan 2024          FALSE
#> 3 20-24  Busan 2024          FALSE
#> 4 25-29  Busan 2024          FALSE
#> 5 30-34  Busan 2024          FALSE
#> 6 35-39  Busan 2024          FALSE

…and supply it to forecast().

mod_dragon |>
  forecast(newdata = newdata)
#> # A tibble: 288 × 11
#>    age   region           time births  popn gdp_pc_2023 dens_2020 is_dragon_year
#>    <chr> <fct>           <int>  <dbl> <int>       <dbl> <chr>     <lgl>         
#>  1 10-14 Busan            2024     NA    NA          NA NA        FALSE         
#>  2 15-19 Busan            2024     NA    NA          NA NA        FALSE         
#>  3 20-24 Busan            2024     NA    NA          NA NA        FALSE         
#>  4 25-29 Busan            2024     NA    NA          NA NA        FALSE         
#>  5 30-34 Busan            2024     NA    NA          NA NA        FALSE         
#>  6 35-39 Busan            2024     NA    NA          NA NA        FALSE         
#>  7 40-44 Busan            2024     NA    NA          NA NA        FALSE         
#>  8 45-49 Busan            2024     NA    NA          NA NA        FALSE         
#>  9 50-54 Busan            2024     NA    NA          NA NA        FALSE         
#> 10 10-14 Chungcheongbuk…  2024     NA    NA          NA NA        FALSE         
#> # ℹ 278 more rows
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: .observed <dbl>, .fitted <rdbl<1000>>,
#> #   .expected <rdbl<1000>>