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bage 0.7.6

Changes to interface

  • Added newdata argument to forecast().
  • Added minimum version numbers for rvec and poputils.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug in code for simulating from Lin() and Lin_AR() priors.

bage 0.7.5

Changes to interface

  • Added arguments method and vars_inner to fit(). When method is "standard" (the default) fit() uses the existing calculation methods. When method is "inner-outer", fit() uses a new, somewhat experimental calculation method that involves fitting an inner model using a subset of variables, and then an outer model using the remaining variables. With big datasets, "inner-outer" can be faster, and use less memory, but give very similar results.
  • Added information on numbers of parameters, and standard deviations to output for print. Thank you to Duncan Elliot for suggesting printing numbers of parameters.

Changes to calculations

  • fit() now internally aggregates input data before fitting, so that cells with the same combinations of predictor variables are combined. This increases speed and reduces memory usage.

Changes to documentation

  • Added help for print.bage_mod

bage 0.7.4

CRAN release: 2024-08-28

Changes to interface

  • Function ssvd() no longer exported. Will export once package bssvd matures.
  • bage released on to CRAN

bage 0.7.3

Changes to data and examples

  • Modified example for augment() so it runs faster
  • Reduced size of divorces dataset

bage 0.7.2

Changes to interface

  • Added first data model. New function is set_datamod_outcome_rr3(), which deals with the case where the outcome variable has been randomly rounded to base 3.
  • augment() now creates a new version of the outcome variable if (i) the outcome variable has NAs, or (ii) a data model is being applied to the outcome variable. The name of the new variable is created by added a . to the start of the name of the outcome variable.
  • A help page summarising available data models

bage 0.7.1

Changes to interface

  • There are now three choices for the standardization argument: "terms", "anova", and "none". With "terms", all effects, plus assoicated SVD coefficients, and trend, cyclical, and seasonal terms, are centered independently. With "anova", the type of standardization descibed in Section 15.6 of Gelman et al (2014) Bayesian Data Analysis, is applied to the effects.

bage 0.7.0

Changes to calculations

  • Further simplification of standardization, but likely in future to split into two types of standardization: one that gives an ANOVA-style decomposition of effects, and one that helps with understanding the dynamics of each term.

Changes to infrastructure

  • Added Makevars file.

Changes to documentation

  • Stopped referring to second-order walks as equivalent to random walks with drift. (A second-order random walk differs from a random walk in that the implied drift term in a second-order random walk can vary over time.)

bage 0.6.3

Changes to calculations

  • Changed standardization of forecasts so that forecasts are standardized along the ‘along’ dimension by choosing the values that makes them consistent with time trends in the estimation period, and then standardizing within each value of the along dimensions.

bage 0.6.2

Changes to interface

  • Removed SVDS(), SVDS_AR(), SVDS_AR1(), SVDS_RW(), and SVDS_RW2() priors. Added indep argument to corresponding SVD priors. SVD priors now choose between ‘total’, ‘independent’ and ‘joint’ models based on (1) the value of indep argument, (2) the value of var_sexgender and the name of the term.

Changes to data

  • Object HMD now contains 5 components, rather than 10.

bage 0.6.1

Changes to calculations

  • Fixed problems with standardization of forecast
  • Added an intercept term to Lin() and LinAR() priors

bage 0.6.0


  • Standardization of forecasts not working correctly.

Changes to interface

Internal calculations

  • Changed values that are stored in object: removed draws_linpred, added draws_effectfree, draws_spline, and draws_svd. Modified/added downstream functions.
  • Calculation of ‘along_by’ and ‘agesex’ matrices pushed downwards into lower-level functions.

bage 0.5.1

Changes to interface

  • Moved HMD code to package bssvd.

bage 0.5.0

Changes to interface

  • Combined interaction (eg ELin) and main effect (eg Lin) versions of priors
  • Removed function compose_time()
  • Added priors RWSeas and RW2Seas
  • Improved report_sim()

bage 0.4.2

Changes to interface

  • Tidying of online help (not yet complete).

bage 0.4.1

New functions

Changes to interface

  • augment() method for bage_mod objects now calculated value for .fitted in cases where the outcome or exposure/size is NA, rather than setting the value of .fitted to NA.

Internal calculations

  • Standardization of effects only done if components() is called. augment() uses the linear predictor (which does not need standardization.)
  • Internally, draws for the linear predictor, the hyper-parameters and (if included in model) disp are stored, rather than the full standardized components.
  • Standardization algorithm repeats up to 100 times, or until all residuals are less than 0.0001.
  • With the new configuration, calculations for large matrices that previously failed with error message “Internal error: Final residual not 0” are now running.


  • When drawing from the prior, the intercept is always set to 0. Terms with SVD or Known priors are not touched. All other terms are centered.

bage 0.4.0

Changes to back-end for SVD priors

  • Move most functions for creating ‘bage_ssvd’ objects to package ‘bssvd’.
  • Allowed number of components of a ‘bage_ssvd’ object to differ from

Bug fixes

  • Corrected error in calculation of logit in ssvd_comp().

bage 0.3.2

New functions

Bug fixes

  • Corrected error in C++ template for Lin and ELin priors (due to use of integer arithmetic.)

bage 0.2.2

New functions

Bug fixes

  • Internal function draw_vals_effect_mod() was malfunctioning on models that contained SVD priors.