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Generate random age or age-sex profiles from an object of class "bage_ssvd". An object of class "bage_ssvd" holds results from an SVD decomposition of demographic data.


# S3 method for class 'bage_ssvd'
generate(x, n_draw = 20, n_comp = NULL, indep = NULL, age_labels = NULL, ...)



An object of class "bage_ssvd".


Number of random draws to generate.


The number of components. The default is half the total number of components of object.


Whether to use independent or joint SVDs for each sex/gender. If no value is supplied, an SVD with no sex/gender dimension is used. Note that the default is different from SVD().


Age labels for the desired age or age-sex profile. If no labels are supplied, the most detailed profile available is used.


Not currently used.


A tibble

Scaled SVDs of demographic databases in bage

See also


## SVD for females and males combined
#> # A tibble: 2,220 × 3
#>     draw age   value
#>    <int> <chr> <dbl>
#>  1     1 0     -3.77
#>  2     1 1     -5.88
#>  3     1 2     -6.36
#>  4     1 3     -6.60
#>  5     1 4     -6.77
#>  6     1 5     -6.88
#>  7     1 6     -6.97
#>  8     1 7     -7.04
#>  9     1 8     -7.10
#> 10     1 9     -7.15
#> # ℹ 2,210 more rows

## separate SVDs for females and males
generate(HMD, indep = TRUE) 
#> # A tibble: 4,440 × 4
#>     draw sexgender age   value
#>    <int> <chr>     <chr> <dbl>
#>  1     1 Female    0     -3.01
#>  2     1 Female    1     -4.87
#>  3     1 Female    2     -5.71
#>  4     1 Female    3     -6.24
#>  5     1 Female    4     -6.63
#>  6     1 Female    5     -6.94
#>  7     1 Female    6     -7.23
#>  8     1 Female    7     -7.49
#>  9     1 Female    8     -7.72
#> 10     1 Female    9     -7.91
#> # ℹ 4,430 more rows

## specify age groups
labels <- poputils::age_labels(type = "lt", max = 60)
generate(HMD, age_labels = labels)
#> # A tibble: 280 × 3
#>     draw age   value
#>    <int> <chr> <dbl>
#>  1     1 0     -3.43
#>  2     1 1-4   -6.08
#>  3     1 5-9   -7.34
#>  4     1 10-14 -7.65
#>  5     1 15-19 -6.99
#>  6     1 20-24 -6.61
#>  7     1 25-29 -6.56
#>  8     1 30-34 -6.44
#>  9     1 35-39 -6.22
#> 10     1 40-44 -5.94
#> # ℹ 270 more rows