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Use a random walk to model a main effect, or use multiple random walks to model an interaction. Typically used with age or time effects or with interactions that involve age or time.


RW(s = 1, along = NULL)



Scale for the prior for the innovations. Default is 1.


Name of the variable to be used as the "along" variable. Only used with interactions.


An object of class "bage_prior_rw".


If RW() is used with an interaction, separate random walks are constructed along the "along" variable, within each combination of the "by" variables.

Argument s controls the size of innovations. Smaller values for s tend to give smoother series.

Mathematical details

When RW() is used with a main effect,

$$\beta_j = \beta_{j-1} + \epsilon_j$$ $$\epsilon_j \sim \text{N}(0, \tau^2),$$

and when it is used with an interaction,

$$\beta_{u,v} = \beta_{u,v-1} + \epsilon_{u,v}$$ $$\epsilon_{u,v} \sim \text{N}(0, \tau^2),$$


  • \(\pmb{\beta}\) is the main effect or interaction;

  • \(j\) denotes position within the main effect;

  • \(v\) denotes position within the "along" variable of the interaction; and

  • \(u\) denotes position within the "by" variable(s) of the interaction.

Parameter \(\tau\) has a half-normal prior $$\tau \sim \text{N}^+(0, \text{s}^2),$$ where s is provided by the user.

See also

  • RW2() Second-order random walk

  • AR() Autoregressive with order k

  • AR1() Autoregressive with order 1

  • Sp() Smoothing via splines

  • SVD() Smoothing of age via singular value decomposition

  • priors Overview of priors implemented in bage

  • set_prior() Specify prior for intercept, main effect, or interaction


#>   RW() 
#>        s: 1
#>    along: NULL
RW(s = 0.5)
#>   RW(s=0.5) 
#>        s: 0.5
#>    along: NULL
RW(along = "cohort")
#>   RW(along="cohort") 
#>        s: 1
#>    along: cohort