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The models created with functions mod_pois(), mod_binom(), and mod_norm() always include an intercept, and typically include main effects and interactions formed from variables in input data. Most models, for instance include an age effect, and many include an interaction between age and sex/gender, or age and time.

The intercept, main effects, and interactions all have prior models that capture the expected behavior of the term. Current choices of prior models are summarised here.


N()Elements drawn from normal distributionTerm with no natural orderYes
NFix()As for N(), but standard deviation fixedTerm with few elementsYes
RW()Random walkSmoothingYes
RW2()Second-order random walkLike RW(), but smootherYes
RW_Seas()Random walk, with seasonal effectTerms involving timeYes
RW2_Seas()Second-order random walk, with seasonal effectTerm involving timeYes
AR()Auto-regressive prior of order kMean reversionYes
AR1()Auto-regressive prior of order 1 Special case of AR()Mean reversionYes
Known()Values treated as knownSimulations, prior knowledgeNo
Lin()Linear trend, with independent normalParsimonious model for timeYes
Lin_AR()Linear trend, with autoregressive errorsTerm involving timeYes
Lin_AR1()Linear trend, with AR1 errorsTerms involving timeYes
Sp()P-Spline (penalised spline)Smoothing, eg over ageNo
SVD()Age or age-sex profile based on SVD of databaseAge or age-sexNo
SVD_AR()SVD(), but coefficients follow AR()Age or age-sex and timeYes
SVD_AR1()SVD(), but coefficients follow AR1()Age or age-sex and timeYes
SVD_RW()SVD(), but coefficients follow RW()Age or age-sex and timeYes
SVD_RW2()SVD(), but coefficients follow RW2()Age or age-sex and timeYes