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Specify which variable (if any) represents time. Functions mod_pois(), mod_binom(), and mod_norm() try to infer the time variable from variable names, but do not always get it right.


set_var_time(mod, name)



An object of class "bage_mod", created with mod_pois(), mod_binom(), or mod_norm().


The name of the time variable.


A bage_mod object


In an R formula, a 'variable' is different from a 'term'. For instance,

~ time + region + time:region

contains variables time and region, and terms time, region, and time:region.

By default, bage gives a term involving time a (RW()) prior. Changing the time variable via set_var_time() can change priors: see below for an example.

If set_var_time() is applied to a fitted model, it 'unfits' the model, deleting existing estimates.

See also


## rename time variable to something unusual
injuries2 <- nzl_injuries
injuries2$calendar_year <- injuries2$year

## mod_pois does not recognize time variable
mod <- mod_pois(injuries ~ age * ethnicity + calendar_year,
                data = injuries2,
                exposure = popn)
#>     ------ Unfitted Poisson model ------
#>    injuries ~ age * ethnicity + calendar_year
#>   exposure = popn
#>           term  prior along n_par n_par_free
#>    (Intercept) NFix()     -     1          1
#>            age   RW()   age    12         12
#>      ethnicity NFix()     -     2          2
#>  calendar_year    N()     -    19         19
#>  age:ethnicity   RW()   age    24         24
#>  disp: mean = 1
#>  n_draw var_age
#>    1000     age

## so we set the time variable explicitly
## (which, as a side effect, changes the prior on
## the time main effect)
mod |>
  set_var_time(name = "calendar_year")
#>     ------ Unfitted Poisson model ------
#>    injuries ~ age * ethnicity + calendar_year
#>   exposure = popn
#>           term  prior         along n_par n_par_free
#>    (Intercept) NFix()             -     1          1
#>            age   RW()           age    12         12
#>      ethnicity NFix()             -     2          2
#>  calendar_year   RW() calendar_year    19         19
#>  age:ethnicity   RW()           age    24         24
#>  disp: mean = 1
#>  n_draw      var_time var_age
#>    1000 calendar_year     age